Despite the fact that the content of this website is created with the upmost carefulness, ME+U is not accountable for the correcties or completeren of the information published. ME+U does not except any liability for damage of any kind which occurs from using this website, inclusief acting, omitting and/oir decisions based on this information, as wel as the (temporary) impossibility to use this website.
ME+U excepts no liability for dame, direct or indirect, wich occurs from this content - whether it is offered by third parties or not - of the information on the website of ME+U.
ME+U preserves the right to alter or remjive information of third parties, when the information offered is aganisnt the law, the interests of other users, other third parties or the Terms and Conditions of ME+U.
Certain references on this site are directed to information sources which are maintained by third parties and ME+U has no control about that. ME+U has no liability for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information on those servers.
The information on these webpages can have technical or typographic flaws. This information can be adjusted or expanded at any moment without any warning. ME+U is in not way liable or responsible for any other webpage that refers tot ME+U, or for any website ME+U refers to.
The content of these pages is as much s possible checked for content and actuality. When flaws or inaccuracies are published, we can not be held accountable for them. The information which is read by the vistor of this site can only be used by that vistor for his own responsibility.
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