Never a dull conversation

ME+U stands for inspiration, challenge and connection. What will happen when you can be truly yourself and at the same time be genuinely open to others? Personal conversations will be spot on, addressing the core of the matter at hand. Team sessions will show more commitment and a better understanding of content and each other.

Conversations can be much more meaningful by adding diversity and nuance. People feel more involved. We make things more clear. People tend to misjudge their own drives and are uncertain of their own capabilities. By unlocking their drives and potential they can really grow.

Challenge and connect

ME+U is ideal for your personal development and strenghtening collaboration. By challenging you, you will rise from your comfort zone, dig keeper and create room for further growth.

We connect. Through honest attention, involvement and a shared language arises commitment, a sense of beloning and being taking seriously.

How does it work

For you, your team, your organization

ME + U is a language, developed for working situations. Things go wrong because of miscommunication, different expectations, likes and dislikes. The colour provide a quick language, which and the same time creates more depth and focus in conversations.

For whom

The ME+U model

Our model has a modern perspective on personal and team development in working environments.

It is the core for clear insights about yourself, others and what to do next.

Seeing is believing

We believe in the power of visual contrast. Our method provides a colourful insight of your power, drives, impact and potential.

“ The powerful visual clearness and broad scope of ME+U make this tool the new benchmark in the world of tools to improve yourself and your team.

It provides a positive motivation for change to you and your team.

The energy and impact reach the whole ecosystem of your organization.”

– Annelijn Kamphuis - Shining Xcellence
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